Master butcher Cole Dougherty crafts fine charcuterie in house, exclusively for Maria’s Market. You will find favorites, such as salami, pork roll, liverwurst, hot dogs, prosciutto, ham, turkey provisions, lunch sticks, a vast array of sausages and much more. So what is different about these masterpieces? Aside from the fabulous, artisanal preparation, it is all about sourcing. All of the meats used in making Dougherty’s products are sourced from local farms. Every bit is pasture raised. We use Ossabaw and Berkshire pork, Katahdin lamb, free-range heritage chicken, Spanish Black heritage turkey and goat from Double Brook Farm. Our grass-fed beef comes from Taurus Moon Farm and seasonally, from a select group of local farms that follow our humane practices. Dougherty’s Artisanal Provisions is a project that is beautifully aligned with Hopewell Fare’s mission of sustainability and support of local agriculture. As a consequence of the process and love, the taste is of our products is like no other.